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Traffic Law Attorney in Kansas City, Missouri

Traffic violations deal with a wide range of offenses, penalties and results. When most people hear the term “traffic offense,” they think of speeding and parking tickets, but these are far from the only issues that involve traffic law. Traffic violations can lead to serious consequences, depending on a few factors. If you face problems with traffic tickets, driving with a suspended license,

liability for causing an accident or any other traffic-related offense, you need to seek the help of a Missouri traffic attorney. John Anthony Picerno has been helping people with traffic law problems for more than 10 years, and below are a few facts to consider regarding Missouri traffic law.

The Point System

Every time you are:

  • 1. In an accident where you’re at fault

  • 2. Caught speeding

  • 3. Are arrested for DWI

  • 4. Cited for any other offense, such as reckless driving

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You will have points added to your driving record. If you accumulate enough of these penalty points within a certain period of time, your license will be suspended. Below are a few point thresholds that lead to the potential of losing your driving privileges

If you accumulate four points or more during a 12-month period, a warning letter is sent warning you that you are in danger of losing your driving privileges. If you accumulate eight or more points during an 18-month period, you face a 30 day suspension, unless you’ve previously had your license suspended for accumulating too many points, whereby the suspension is 60 days for a second suspension and 90 days for a third suspension. If you accumulate 12 or more points in 12 months, 18 or more points in 24 months or 24 or more points in 36 months, your license will be suspended for one year

Subsequent Reduction

If your license is suspended and you successfully have your driving privileges reinstated, the Missouri Department of Revenue will assign four points to your record when your privileges are reinstated. Every year you drive without accumulating more points, one point will be removed from your record. However, certain offenses will never be removed from your driving record.